"What do you call a vietnamese person who has three dogs?
A vegetarian."
- Joke as told by Cao Boi, Survivor.
Now for those who know me, it's not news to them that I'm pretty passionate with issues regarding race and the ignorance of the idea involving what is 'Racism'.
I'm going to make sure I'mina be a bit more careful for those feeling any sort of 'white guilt' or activists who are fighting the good fight for the 'minorities' and leaving notes to clarify whenever I make racial jokes, reference, or stereotypes.
It all comes down to this:
A person, group, organization, of a particular 'race' are hypocrites, when they embrace, stereotypes that benefit their group in any manner, while rejecting those stereotypes that bring any sort of disadvantage in their goals.
I suppose this statement can be branched out into business ethics, I'm sure there are 'COROLLARY' ideas (math was good for something!) to this but the main idea is, you're a damned hypocrite when you embrace positive stereotypes and reject negative. I'm sure we're all guilty of that.. I'm sure my thesis is greatly weakened when I realized I'm doing this as well. But I suppose it's me playing out the thesis in real life.
I brought up that quote, from that Vietnamese dude on Survivor (Vietpride! (embrace))
because the show's set up this season seems that it can be pretty controversial. Groups divided by race? Social experiment? More likely 'illegal', if any sort of government study would attempt. (Well at least what we know of)
Of course, by because I selfishly see a reflection of myself through them, I thereby associate myself with them, I'm rooting for the Asian Team! Yay slant eyes! (racial satire)
And of course, with Cao Boi (I love his name. It's genius) I'm cheerin' the most. But mostly for his colourful personality.
But what I'm noticing really, is that people aren't particularly fond of my man. You got the living breathing stereotype there: Refugee from the Vietnam War, Fob accent, and owns a Nail Salon (hilarious!). Then you got your other breed of second generation Americans bent on trying to wash away all negative (in their eyes) racial stereotyping of all kinds.
Cao Boi, embraces his individuality, his distinctiveness and most likely because he still feels Vietnamese more than he does American.
So with his Viets eating dogs joke, it was priceless.
Then.. you have these uptight **wads (probably unnessessary language but still colourful)
who take offense to these kind of jokes. While Cao Boi's timing of the joke and place was really off as most of his actions probably are.... LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE!
Let's let it out, people make generalizations all the damned time. Our world functions on generalizations. (I'll ahve a nother blog on that later)
It's funny, and who cares what ignorant people think... If every person went P.C. , it'd be a pretty crappy controlled world really.
I'm just saying things here, not to start a chaotic orgy of open expression, but to just be knowledgable and aware and in control of what you say and not always be affected by it. Let's change the standards on your own terms and not by abiding by others.
I may have over stepped my scope of this topic already but one more thing: I'm sure we all want to move forward and bring about world peace in race and blur the colours of skin. But it's not gon happen. Tolerance is what it's about.
Heck .. more on the conflict between diversity and unity later. (You can't have your cake and eat it too.)