Reel Asian 2010

It was an honour to be part of Reel Asian this year.Last year I attended as a filmmaker but this year Louis and I attended as Pitch Finalistts for our short film, Traces of Joy.The days leading up to the Competition was extremely stressful! Ups and downs of confidence and then sheer fear! Lol. But The hours and hours of practice paid off....
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Storyboards for commercial for Billie Mintz

I've been working on a few commercials over the past 2 years with Billie Mintzand he's working on a shot for a lottery commercial. Hopefully it bringsgreat things as I always have fun working with him.Here's the link to the boards:
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uess who? Clue, he's a director. Been watchin' interviews for his upcoming film. Quick sketch in ball point. Aye, lookee ere! Robin Hood ... well my first try. his eyes aren't droopy enough.. prolly a bit too big as well.. some random hobo missin' his pants.. and yet can find himself a hat to wear and a bottle o' be...
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WAR Huh! Good God!

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ICON :The Catalogue arrives

So you can see the image from the catalogue in color here: AKIMBO My how times flies. I recently received my catalogue copy of the video themed commission I was part of, "Icon, Villain, Antihero". It looks pretty snazzy. I love the glossy text finish on matte cover. And the nifty 'ntsc' like style of odd and even fields of what...
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The evolution/derivation of computer graphic perfection

Will Wright, Genius I actually had written this in the previous post to further explain my thoughts on 3d glitches and mistakes but decided to give it it's own post: Anyway here's a photo of me with Will Wright, the Creator of massively successful and innovative games such as Sim City, The Sims, and Spore. I had a chance to hear his...
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You know sometimes mistakes bring great surprises. There's one thing about motion graphics that I just am disappointed to not see in the field yet (well not entirely true: see the genius that is :David O'Reilly)I was cleaning the mesh of a blendshape that was attached to a original bind pose, and since the the cleaned mesh had...
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Da Edison Twins!

No just a quick sketch i saw online of Thomas Edison the perfecter of the light bulb! (not creator, someone else did, i don`t know who) and practicing my crosshatching.You definitely have to work in steps, and plan out highlights to shadows, because each layer of cross hatch you add should be uniform and consistent across your image, as...
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Wild west!

Busy working on a project for Bryan Belanger-Diaz, a 3d western of sorts, (with a twist)! It's always like that ain't it? I fixed the 3d model a bit and made his face a lil broader, his previous design seemed a bit gangly and more of a goon than a protagonist.But yeah, the drawing is much more toonish than the project, but i decided to give...
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Traces of Joy: We have a new teammate!

Karate enthusiast, VFX extraordinare, Enter the Jennings: Shaun Jennings. He is just as masterful in the Martial Arts as he is in the Computer Arts.We're finally in the stages of discussing our ideas with Shaun and how we can realize them technically in our film. He's extremely detail oriented and joined in our project as a volunteer. ...
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Zangief vs. Bear: In Colour!

Decided to take a break from the GSP painting, and do a lil toon colouring. I'm diggin' the faux-water colour i'm getting from these brushes in photoshop. Not as greatas Painter I'm sure, but it's got it's own loose appe...
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GSP vs. HARDY ver2. WIP

Just thought I'd throw it up here. Don't have time to finish it until tomorrow. But i'll post a finished version by th...
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gsp vs. hardy

less than a week away baby!After watching UFC primetime, I kinda grown to like Dan Hardy, he's quite the character.But I see gsp takin' this! Superman punch!Go Cana...
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zangief vs. bear: FIGHT!

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Zelda Pig dog color

colored , a lil twilight princess sty...
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Pig Dog!

One of my favourite games of all time, the legend of zelda, I`m actually a big fan of the art in the instruction booklet, and from nintendo power. Here`s a linkTheir work is more earthy and organic than some art is now, though I`m ok with the cartoony approach to wind waker. I think, though I enjoyed some of the recent Twilight princess...
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Chicken Jam doodles!

Some doodles I did last year thinking about the Chicken Jam at the Toronto Animated Image Socie...
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Joe Blob

rotund chum in a cage, 'joyin' iz pelle...
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Sigfried and Roy Redux

Just practicing gag scenes, plus extreme poses, and some animal caricature.javascript:void...
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Ken in 3 flavors!

Ken from street fighter. I remember using Ryu in SFII but as the series grew, and ryu and ken began having their own personalities and moves, I prefered ken's flaming uppercut and speedy kicks.Decided to color him in his green gi alternate, just for chan...
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Just a sketch I did of Balrog from Street Fighter.Something about the tooniness of how boxing gloves look (plus the bright red) that make them so fun to draw.I'll post a few more as I ...
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New drawings!

For new drawings Click HEREyou can also check out my deviant art page:I've been catching up on Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon comics recently and I have forgotten how much it had made an impression on me as a young artist. I'll do a follow up post here on my thoughts on it further.It has definitely sparked some energy in me and my drawing...
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Toronto Arts Council Funding Baby!

Louis and I are collaborating on a short animated film together and have been in development for a frickin' year! No one said making a short film was easy, especially if you want to make it good. We've spent the entire year brainstorming, meeting up every month, researching at libraries, location scouting, interviewing daycare employees...
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