Traces of Joy website is up!
 We're going to slowly update with additional content every week.
Trailer to follow soon!
more media posting up soon and how!
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Capn Amurika

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Comic strip Mock Rocket

It's been a while since I've made a comic strip.
A lil straight forward gag... with a few randomness.
Just watched the Rocketeer again.. The same director directed the new Captain America flick, and it has a old school pulpy feel , whic you definitely see similarities between the two from what I've partially seen.

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No idea why  i started doodling mma fighter chris leben... and er.. other random people... not so random on the right :P

found a kick as brush mix that reinacts watercolor, really great to sketch in colors.. i forget which artist i admired, but they use soft coloring to layer in detail.. there's a sense of extra realism that you get from that sort of shading.
and then at the end you use sharper and sharper brushes for detail..
oh rite.. 
Amazing artist. worked on a few feature films 
great layout artist, great sense of color and form...

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elephant photoshop sketch

from reference.
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Pen andink doodle.

There's something about the richness an quality of the stroke
scratching on paper is therapeutic.
I love analyzing how various comic artists ink their work. I've tried
brush but don't prefer it as my main tool. It's almost too graceful?
There's a scratchy shake in the nib that I appreciate.
Akita toriyama has fun pen work as do many manga artists. Old school
line artists like albrecht durer is azing to look at, how they only
use thickness of line to describe volume without shading.


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i'm in a fashion show! Bwa ha!

well, sorta,
My face will be plastered on a wall for a photo art show at the Fashion Arts at 99 sudbury
st. in toronto on the 29th of April.

A year ago I met the wonderful photographer Stef Kloibhofer (I love saying her full name :P)
who was finishing her Masters in Photography and for her thesis took pictures of dual identities of Canadians of different heritage.
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Jolly Melancholies playing before Brown Balls at Factory Theatre!

Apparently my black and white short film , Jolly Melancholies
is going to be screening in the lobby during the theatre run
of Brown Balls at Factory Theatre in Toronto.

here's Fu-Gen's Brown Balls site:
and Factor Theatre:

This is a double honour for me since I screened the film at Reel Asian two years ago and my old high school friend Byron Abalos (who has been finding great success in theatre and acting) is the creator of the play.

here's a little exerpt from the fu- GEN website on what his film is about:
"I’ve been working on this play for about 5 years now and I’ve had some wonderful help on the way from the Ontario Arts Council, Cahoots Theatre Company, Carlos Bulosan Theatre and, of course, fu-GEN. In that time, it has completely transformed. Originally, it was a play for my ‘peeps.’ It was about friendship, nostalgia and old school R & B music. It was about my feelings growing up Filipino in Toronto. I wanted to write a feel good play because there’s so much crap in the world that some times you just want to laugh. But now, with the help of some friends, a special fiancé, gifted actors, and some of the best dramaturges I know, it’s become something I couldn’t have expected. My vision for Brown Balls has expanded. Now, it’s about the experience of Asian-Canadian men - not just Filipinos - in North America. It’s about gender, race, power and hegemony – not just about sex.

My goal is to take the audience for a ride. At first, I want them to laugh their asses off. But in the end, I hope that they can look at their selves and the people around them in a very different way. "
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Ode to my Bunny (ex Bunny)

It's been all Bunny on the brain.
This year's theme for the Toronto Animated Image Societyj's Animation Jam is Bunnies.
My mom just gave away our bunny, Amber, just last week.

Been looking through old photos to see if I have any pictures of Amber to remember her by.
I'm also looking for references for an idea I have for the Bunny Jam this year.
It's gonn be gross, and offensive. But hopefully funny. Funny Bunny.

here's a warm up sketch o' Amber. I'll miss her. (But thanks to my buddy Phong for picking her up and now taking care of her. I should drop by soon to see how she's doing.)
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Blast from the Past: part 1. comic strip

I was just browsing through my old images I have from my pretentious years back in university (has it changed?) Saw this comic strip of an old man. I was exploring the ideas of sentiment and sentimentality (OooOooO) through mundane moments at the twilight of the old man's life. I guess it was a complimentary piece to the old man exploration I was doing.
Here's a few boards for ideas of things an old man would do.

Here's a lil diddy in 3d: Jolly Melancholies (Original)
and the 'old man on the can' (actual title)

Apart from my obsession with old men (don't ask why...:P)I was pretty obsessed with Chris Ware at the time in 2006, as well as Robert Crumb.
And I really gravitated toward their way of presenting relatively appealing characters in dark comedic scenarios (even borderline perverse)
Here was my take on exploring a story of an old man and a dog.

This time i really wanted to juxtapose the framing devices of comic books and framing in film. The genius that is Chris Ware and his exploration and innovation of page frame layout has intrigued me.

Scott Mcloud's Making Comics has always been an essential read that I go back from time to time... Evidently the read has found a broader reference outside comic books, and into video game designers short list.

I'll post more soon.
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Stanley Kubrick sums our film up.

Stumbled upon this amazing website that presents inspiring quotes from great people from history.

The quote from Stanley Kubrick really stuck out to me since it really sits will with some ideas we are trying to portray in our film, Traces of Joy.

KUBRICK: “Yes, for those of us who manage somehow to cope with our mortality. The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create his own meaning. Children, of course, begin life with an untarnished sense of wonder, a capacity to experience total joy at something as simple as the greenness of a leaf; but as they grow older, the awareness of death and decay begins to impinge on their consciousness and subtly erode their joie de vivre, their Idealism—and their assumption of Immortality. As a child matures, he sees death and pain everywhere about him, and begins to lose faith in the ultimate goodness of man. But if he’s reasonably strong—and lucky—he can emerge from this twilight of the soul into a rebirth of life’s élan. Both because of and in spite of his awareness of the meaninglessness of life, he can forge a fresh sense of purpose and affirmation. He may not recapture the same pure sense of wonder he was born with, but he can shape something far more enduring and sustaining. The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death—however mutable man may be able to make them—our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfilment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.”

I'm going to read this over from time to time.
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Short Film: Full time ! Day 1

So today is my first day off from my contract at March Entertainment. It was a great experience there doing Layout on Mia and Me.

So what am I doing now? I'm going full time on my short film I'm working on with Louis Yeum. It's time well valued as we'll need all the time we're going to get.
We're crazy fortunate to receive some funding from various art councils and Bravo!FACT and the deadline is coming real soon.

Today I'm going to warm up on reviewing all of the various story issues we've addressed so I can make a new cut for the leica. (With temp tracks as well) so that we can show some people for feedback. We've showed our old cut to various people and we've received the same sort of concerns with our 2nd scene... So I think with the things we've talked about we've now addressed that.

Other positives this past month is our recent discussions with Animation Producer Michael Fukushima from NFB and our application for a Filmmaker's Assistance program grant. So cross our fingers and see if we get that!

Seems like there's a lot riding on this, and there's even now more pressure than ever to get this film executed to the best of our ability.

Other things our our agenda this week:
Meet with potential post production distribution strategist, and other opportunity for sales and exposure. We'll see what happens with that.

Also, a specific website catered directly for our film as some people have been curious about it.

Be back soon!
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