i'm in a fashion show! Bwa ha!

well, sorta,My face will be plastered on a wall for a photo art show at the Fashion Arts at 99 sudburyst. in toronto on the 29th of April.A year ago I met the wonderful photographer Stef Kloibhofer (I love saying her full name :P)who was finishing her Masters in Photography and for her thesis took pictures of dual identities of Canadians...
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Jolly Melancholies playing before Brown Balls at Factory Theatre!

Apparently my black and white short film , Jolly Melancholiesis going to be screening in the lobby during the theatre runof Brown Balls at Factory Theatre in Toronto.here's Fu-Gen's Brown Balls site: http://fu-gen.org/current-season/brown-balls/and Factor Theatre: http://www.factorytheatre.ca/This is a double honour for me since I screened...
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Ode to my Bunny (ex Bunny)

It's been all Bunny on the brain. This year's theme for the Toronto Animated Image Societyj's Animation Jam is Bunnies.My mom just gave away our bunny, Amber, just last week.Been looking through old photos to see if I have any pictures of Amber to remember her by.I'm also looking for references for an idea I have for the Bunny Jam this year....
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