Original Jolly Melancholies!

This was my first foray into old men in animated short film! Made in '06, it was part of my Fine Arts thesis regarding sentimentality and mundanity. My final film was a multi-framed window of various banal activities an retired man would preoccupy himself in his later years... (ex. eating cereal alone, reading a book, pleasing himself in bed.. .:P)
The title connection for my recent black and white film and this film was deliberate since i feel they share similar qualities.

I wanted also explore the length of time I can push the anticipation and see it's hopefully humorous and sad results!
You may recall the bit from a Rowan Atkinson stand up routine...

The diddy you hear was a song I heard from a clip from the first talkie 'The Jazz Singer' and thought it was a perfectly upbeat choice for such a depressing moment.

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Try the Sauce! Tomato Sauce Campaign


The site is finally up!
I did storyboards, motion graphics, concept development and assisted directed for Billie Mintz as the director and main man on this Aylmer Sauce Campaign! It was a crazy fun experience! Hope you enjoy the vids.
Click on the image to see.

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See my Short Film at Reel Asian! Nov 13 1pm. NFB Mediatheque!

You can find a gallery of how I made my film Here

The gallery also includes picture of other assignments I worked on with my friends Louis Yeum and Wayne Yum.

It's been a long year but an eventful one for sure. Taking time off from computer animation to study film at Ryerson has been one of the most scariest but exciting decisions of my life.
Being able to work with real cameras (16mm & HD), light meters, real locations and people is an extremely refreshing change from the virtual world behind a monitor.

But it was my goal to better myself as a story teller and filmmaker in general and I've definitely achieved that. And having my film screened at Reel Asian has been a great sense of accomplishment for me.

So a list of highlights of the year for me would include:
0. Moving downtown Toronto (Parkdale represent!)
1. 16mm filmmaking and created a film
2. Amateur acting (I went to an actual audition on a crazy whim! lol. More on that later)
3. HD Documentary filmmaking (With musicians Yoshi and Chie Yamano as my subjects. Still working on that film)
4. Developed a 1st draft script with Louis Yeum for an Animated short we're trying to make.
5. Storyboarded and assisted in direction on set for Tomato Sauce Commercial with Billie Mintz.
(Photos to come!)
6. Going to 5 of my friend's weddings (2 caketoppers and 1 animation)
7. Going to see my friend Charuvi Agrawal again at Siggraph 09 in New Orleans
8. Traveling across canada
9.Having my film screened at Reel Asian

I look forward to to the future!
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