I just can't shut up about race

I'm hearing that people have protested against the whole Survivor theme this year.

What, so Korea vs. France isn't a racial competition during the World Cup?

Don't hear any protests regarding that....

I really think Race is a loaded word... There's just too much weight placed on that idea.

Really, it's National Pride, but underlying that there's race. Anyone who says other wise is prolly a freedom fighter for a free 'blind' world.

F*** the ignorant people, really.

2 .:

Anonymous said...

I agree. It's wrong to overgeneralize about one 'race' be it a positive or a negative stereotype. I'm sure we all are guilty of it at one time or another, and it's not necessarily a bad thing to laugh at one another as long as it's not in a hurtful way. But don't go around bad mouthing one race, and be all 'sensitive' when someone disrespects yours...mother jokes on the other hand...haha

Anonymous said...

Yah man! When Apprentice had booksmarts vs. streetsmarts, I was cheering on booksmarts. Same thing goes with survivor.

Then again, my own mother once called me racist...


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